Recognizing Our Donors

Leaders in Philanthropy
Carthage honors the philanthropic partnerships formed with our most committed donors who include the College in their giving plans in very significant ways.
Your partnership powers every aspect of education at Carthage College, from financial aid and internships to faculty and program support. Every gift makes a difference, and every donor is unique. Find the philanthropic society that matches your philanthropic goals.
Courtesies accorded to society members include special communications such as newsletters and advance notice of campus celebrations, invitations to exclusive events, recognition of your giving, and the assignment of a College representative to help coordinate your engagement with and philanthropic choices in support of Carthage.
Leadership Circle
- Member — $1,000-$2,499
- Fellow — $2,500-$4,999
- Steward — $5,000-$9,999
- President’s Circle — $10,000-$24,999
- Trustees’ Circle — $25,000-$49,999
- Lincoln Circle — $50,000-$99,999
- Founders’ Circle — $100,000+
Recent graduates can take advantage of special annual giving tiers allowing our young alumni access to the Leadership Giving Society. Recent alumni will be recognized at the Leadership Circle Member level in the printed honor roll of donors.
0-5 years after graduation: $250
6-10 years after graduation: $500
Annual contributions to anywhere in the College allow you to build your Carthage legacy year by year, supporting the areas of the College that matter most to you. Gifts to the Carthage Fund provide the greatest flexibility for the College to meet ongoing financial aid needs and curricular improvements. Your gifts to the department, student organization, or athletic team of your choice provide much-needed resources across campus. Be sure to renew your giving annually to maintain your status. Contact the Office of Advancement at 800-551-1518 to check on your status.
See the most recent Honor Roll of Donors for the Leadership Giving Society
- Platinum — $5 million or above
- Gold — $1 million to $4,999,999
- Silver — $500,000-$999,999
- Bronze — $100,000-$499,999
To learn more about how to maximize your philanthropic impact for students and faculty at Carthage today and for generations to come through annual current-use, planned, or endowed gifts, contact the Office of Advancement at 800-551-1518.
See the most recent Honor Roll of Donors for the Enduring Gift Society
- Member — 3-4 years of consecutive giving and new alumni who give in the first year following their graduation
- Partner — 5-9 years of consecutive giving
- Steward — 10-19 years of consecutive giving
- Beacon — 20+ years of consecutive giving
Donors can immediately join the Alford Park Loyalty Society by making a recurring gift with a credit card or payroll deduction and pledging their support for three or more years. Call 262-551-5747 with questions.
See the most recent Honor Roll of Donors for the Alford Park Loyalty Society
You can make a gift to Carthage through your estate while you are living by giving from your IRA, donor-advised funds, or real estate holdings as well as including the College in your will or trust plans.
See more about creating your Carthage legacy through estate planning or contact the Office of Advancement at 800-551-1518.
See the most recent Honor Roll of Donors for the Denhart Society
Become a Sustainer today by making a recurring gift online. Carthage College faculty and staff can qualify for membership through payroll deduction. For more information, contact the Director of Annual Giving and Donor Relations at 262-551-5747.